Tomo, June 03 - 09, 2009

Jun 10, 2009 14:47

Happy birthday to Tomo this past week! And I don't know about everyone else, but I'm glad that he keeps on top of his hige. XD [ disutansu ]


Family trip

Starting today,
I took a little bit of vacation so

I'm going on a

family trip ☆

I'll tell you the place later ♪


21 years old in Okinawa~


the destination of the trip was

Okinawa~ ☆☆☆

We arrived safely ♪

And and,

my 21st birthday ☆

To spend my birthday at Okinawa is great~

I read the guestbook!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Really everyone,

Thank you~~~~ (:_;)☆

I'm moved

with that many comments

I, will do my best

I will do more than my best ne

Please support me from now on too

Right now I am really grateful to everyone who is supporting me

I always thought without regarding its value

I have to think that it's definitely great to be supported ne

From now on too Yanagishita Tomo yoroshiku ☆

I really love everyone ☆☆☆☆

Thank you ☆

And, Seto!!

Your blog and mail, thank you-san (^^)/

[1] Okinawa Monorail.


Full enjoyment~

I ha~ve fully enjoyed Okinawa ♪

Yesterday I went to the ocean, today is shopping ☆




Okinawa's pineapple~ ☆



I found a tiny pineapple~ ☆



This summer...!

This summer the D-BOYS will be hot!!!!
We're doing an event ☆☆☆

To be named!!

「 This summer is the D-BOYS is somewhere every day ☆ Uki-Uki ♪ Yatta~ ♪ Poppopo~I ♪ 」

desu ♪

You see ♪
By just asking it has turned [into something] enjoyable hasn't it ☆

This summer everyone let's get fired up for this event~!!

There are many plans to get everyone excited ♪

Now to mention this project is something the D-BOYS will personally produce!!

Details about the contents will be at any moment now, and will be uploaded onto the blog and such so, please look forward to it ☆

This summer we'll create lots of memories with everyone!!


I have returned ♪

Yesterday, we have returned from Okinawa~!

To be able to go on a trip with my family after so long, it was really fun ☆

The sunglasses is something I bought in Okinawa ♪

White frames with $ bills pictured on it ♪
It was so cute that I was taken in at first sight ☆


Makki ☆☆☆☆☆☆

Happy birthday ♪


Thank you ♪

from my kouhais
Takahashi Ryuuki and
Kamitsuru Tooru

I received birthday presents~ ☆

I'm very happy!

Just that I didn't receive any mail or anything from those two, so I was a bit sad but,
just so they could give me these presents
it seems they didn't say anything on purpose

Cute aren't they~ ♪

Really thank you ☆

From Ryuuki is this hat ☆
He knew that I liked LHP so, he went to buy it especially for me (^^)

From Kamitsuru is this heart piercing ♪
Kamitsuru read an accessories magazine together with me, remembered that I said that 「 This is cute ne 」, searched for that store, and went to buy it especially for me ☆

Thank you~

I'll cherish them ☆

Ah, this is belated but

Makki and

The birthday mail, thank you ☆☆

yanagishita tomo

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