Masa, March 29 - April 11, 2009

Apr 12, 2009 08:01

Since Masa didn't update every day in he past two weeks, I have put all his entries in one batch. Also, PUPPY. ♥ [---inarikami]

Cheers!!! YAY♪♪♪

The Live Tour, Cheers!! has safely finished!!!!
Thank you, everyone!♪
No, wait!
Thank you very much, minna-san!(>_<)

This Tour was really the best ever!! We have poured the greatest sweat!!
I'm really sorry, but I can't find any words besides "Thank you". For always supporting me! (>_<)
You always help me out a lot!!
Truly, thank you!!!!
Will keep doing my best! (^0^)/
Those of you who couldn't come, please definitely come next time!(note)

Everyone, thank you so much! (>_<)




A night has passed since yesterdays LIVE = LOVE....
Somehow it feels like I've exhausted all my strength, but as I entered rehearsals for Cyrano, my muscles are ready again!(^^)

Everyone is nice and kind, so we're having a good time at rehersal!!

I'm learning a lot from Urai-san and he's helping me out a lot!

Have to to my best, so I can support the others too!


It's 空~ :) [1]

Not Sora (laugh)
It's Kuu (my little girl)!! And she's not a papillon, but a chihuahua~(^^)

When my mum sent me a picture of her, I was so surprised!!!!

Her face is so much like an adult's already. (^_^;)
Somehow her mouth? Nose? has gotten so much longer~ (laugh)
But that should be evident! When I last saw Kuu, she was still 2 months old!! She was still a round little baby! (^^)
Now that she's already 5 months old, of course she's looking more and more like an adult. (^_^)
Ah, I want to see her again soon!!!! (>_<) June is still so far away! (@_@) [2]

There's one more reason I want to meet her!!
She's not properly trained yet. (;_;) It seems she's being spoiled a lot, so when I'm home I have to disclipline her a bit! Is how it is. (^_^;)
Mou~!! That little troublemaker!!
I have to train her as soon as possible~! (;_;)

[1] The primary reading for the 空 kanji is "sora", meaning "sky". It's read "kuu" in compound words only, though.
[2] Does this mean he'll be having time off and going home in June?!


Rushing into April!! Already?!

Rain, right on the very first day of April...
The cherry blossoms are going to scatter from so much rain!!
I took this picture of the "weeping cherry" trees when I was in Nagoya.☆
That reminds me...
I didn't have the time yet-! (;_;)
Can't be helped!!
But I was able to see the cherry trees, so it's OK!!
The sight of cherry trees alone makes one mysteriously feel good! (^^)
Just by seeing the trees in bloom, I'm already HAPPY!!

Cherry trees always remind me of my elementary school entrance ceremony. (^_^;)
There were cherry trees in front of the gate of my school, I clearly remember having my picture taken there. (laugh)
In black uniform and with a black schoolbag! [3]
When I got my schoolbag, it seemed like a treasure chest to me! (^^)

Ah, I the radio show I appeared on tonight, Shout at the Milky Way! Space G-man TAKUYA! has just finished!
And didn't I of couse flub my lines at the very very end...! (^_^メ)

[3] Classic Japanese elementary school bags look like these. :)



Had a day off from rehearsal, so I could refresh and recharge a bit! (^^) Actually, I thought about returning to my parents' home, but time's too short, so I didn't do it. (laugh)
Patience...patience... (^_^)

I have an announcement to make~
The Hiroshima screening dates of the movie 2STEPS have been decided, so I let them know you now.
109 Cinemas, Hiroshima: April 24 (Fri) ~ Details here:
Since this time 2STEPS is going to be the grand opening movie of the theater, different from the usual Saturday opening day, the movie will open on a Friday.

That's a great thing! Thank you very much!!


Reading it again.... :)

It seems some of you misunderstood yesterday's blog, so....

I am not home in Hiroshima-!
Still working hard at rehearsing and studying for Cyrano!
Because I'm the one who knows this better than anyone! (^^)



So what's awesome?!

That is....

Rehersal is …

Totally …


Fuuuun (^^)!!

The production, the role, the company too, somehow it's all so much fun!!
I knew it already when I read the script and started to play the part, but the story is great!! It's extremely sad though, but that's what makes it so gripping!!
The music is lovely too!!
This should be obvious of course, but it connects and flows with the story so well!!

Iya~ I'm grateful to have met another great production like this!!
Doin' my best~!!!!


It's been since YumeZou...!

After a long while, I met Kane-chan and Douji-san for some drinks! (laugh)
But I have rehearsal tomorrow, so I won't drink too much!!

I'm happy to see Kane-chan again after so long☆

Me and Kane-chan, we're close in age, we both are from western Honshu, so we get along really well, I think! (^^)
I want to work with him again~ (^_^)

Was glad to see Douji-san again too☆



I caught Monomane Kouhaku Uta Gassen on TV by chance, and I was happy to see that one of my dancer acquaintances had quite a big part. (^^)

I was watching out for the dancers only!

I was thinking that back then, when I was appearing on the song concerts and Music Station, everyone in front of the TV likely reacted the same way. (^^)
"Kameraman, just a bit more this way~"
"Ah, he's just out of the frame~"
"And now that guy is blocking him out..."
Like that. (laugh)

And when the person we want to see is on the screen then we're glad, right? (^^)

Iya~ Somehow this has made me happy~ (laugh)


Study and work

We've already completed every scene of the first act today!
But we have to tighten the pace even more from now on! Of course! (^^)

Iya~ We're really fast~ (^_^) Amazing!!

And also there's studying to be done every day!!!!
Watching my co-actors sing and perform, I'm always deeply impressed! (laugh) Have to do my best not to lose to them!! (^^)




Today at rehersal I went through all my scenes on my own!!

That chance is to be immensely appreciated!!

I can do even better!! I will do even better!! Is what I thought. (^^) Of course I won't overdo it, so don't worry~

Do your best too everyone, ok?♪


nakagauchi masataka

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