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Memory Line
BWJ 2008, 2009
finally have this piece up. a bunch of old photographs about the family, dahDaHdah. been kind of out of it lately.. random thought, feel like i`ve become a little annoying.. ergh.. a personality i really don` like.. i`m used to being comfortable around people and saying practically anything (with close friends) without a negative after-thought... yet.. mEh, end of that thought. today`s weather is really not in my favor, just bring on the chilly cold so i don`t gotta wear short-sleeves and shorts.
today was "hair dyeing party" day; except my hair, hAHa. bleached and dyed kp`s hair, and she dyed josh`s hair. glad i was able to get [Memory Line] up finally, and able to hang with roomies. so i have a few more things to do to look for a job, gonna visit some galleries and talk with people about post-graduate work.. dad was cool enough to get the contact info of a woman at art institute in rosslyn (he works in location), so i`ll probably contact her. contact other people, and we`ll see where this goes. just in case.. urban needs seasonal people at tysons for black friday.. so i MIGHT take that for a few months.. dunno, depends on how job search goes here, i`ve already found quite a few things looking around already.. have had this rap verse from UNIVERSE stuck in my head, what a .. random, non-sense making song:
Every time I look into your eyes I see the future, チョーシリアス サウンドがミニマル, になれば必然、ディスタンス縮まる, LIGHTS OUT! 何か始まる, 微々たるギャグを交わせばいつの間に, フィジカル、ノン・リリカル、言葉は, いらないハイなVIBESはチョーケミカル, TIME OUT! チョー絵になる, カッチョよすぎてゴメン、You're ウェルカム, YUP! IT'S… オレの出る幕, ANYTHING GOES when we get LOUD, いつも, WILD!!! いつも“WOW!!!”, 足下 L.V. スティーブン SPROUSE, WE IN THE V.I.P, ソファーに飛び乗り UP & DOWN, 両手にボトルでMAKE YALL BOUNCE