I was tagged by
Once tagged by this entry, the assignment is to write a blog entry of some kind with six random facts about yourself. Then, pick six of your friends and tag them; no tag backs. This explanation should be included.
1) My secret passion is interior design. Whenever I go anywhere, I have a running commentary in the back of my mind about what works and what would work better if changed.
2) When I was younger I read about diamond mining, diamond cartels and how the workers are treated. I vowed never to wear diamonds. I have not broken my vow.
3) My parents have been married for 47 years and they are still happy with each other. In fact they act like children together.
4) I love dogs but I am very allergic to cats. Growing up we showed Doberman Pinschers. My dog which I had handraised from a pup died three months after I left for college. I was devastated. I never knew I was allergic to cats until my roommate in college kept a kitten one summer. I started sneezing and rubbing my eyes about three days after the kitten moved in, itching and a low grade rash developed shortly after. I thought I was getting a cold and I was miserable for most of the summer. I was clueless until I complained to a friend weeks later about this continuous summer cold and he suggested that I was displaying allergy symptoms. Voila, I went to a doctor and found out I was. Since then, it has become worse. It doesn't matter if catfolks superclean their places, vacuum, bathe their cats and then send them away, I will be sneezing within an hour of a visit to their place.
5) I dream in colour and I have dreams with completely plotted stories that I remember when I awaken. Unfortunately, I don't have any desire to write them down because then it will be a rerun. I don't like reruns, LOL!!
6) I like driving and I especially love driving long distances. I am the friend who is called when someone needs company to criss-cross the US. I live in the NE and I have travelled the I95 from MA to FL so many times that I know the best rest areas with the cleanest bathrooms. I can identify which state I am in by the town names and routes on the signs. I adore maps and navigation and plotting routes. Though Expedia, Mapquest and Garmin reduce this art to the mundane, I still take my current year's Rand McNally atlas and maps of the individual states I plan to drive through. More than once, unexpected traffic delays crop up and those maps come in handy for detours. Scariest driving moments: a sudden fog that blanketed us in the Adirondacks around midnight and I could not see a thing but there was nowhere to stop, no shoulder, nothing. Also a heavy winterstorm that was a whiteout and dumped a ton of snow in a very short time, also at night, while I was driving on the I295 between Baltimore and Washington DC gave some anxious moments. I was low on gas and again had no choice but to move forward.
I'll pass on tagging anyone since lots of people have already been tagged.