Mar 17, 2011 21:33
I use this post as an excuse to show one of my latest pics.
I'm going to buy Pokémon White this saturday (at least I hope that), and it will cost 39.90 euro. As you can imagine, it's pretty much, but here is the normal price for games. When I said it to my brother (I confess complaining a bit), he answered "why are you doing such a thing? Games are made to be downloaded for free!" and my arms fell to the ground. I couldn't believe he said it. That's so stupid and shameless.
But, you know, it's a common practice among young people. Just download it as you're a homeless without paying the right price and you're ok with yourself. No. No. NO.
I've been grown up knowing that everything has a price and needs to be earned in order to have it. That's why, if you want a book or a game, you need money in exchange. If you want that boy to be your lover, you need to confess. And, when even my mother said I could have easily downloaded all my games instead of spending that much, my world was like capsized. But I wrote a post about the fantastic sensation of holding a booklet in your hands, and I love to see all that boxes on the shelf, and I still think downloading is wrong. People worked on it, people gave sweat, an equal money exhange is the right thing to do to pay them for it.
It's understandable if you're nearly poor, or still a bit understandable if you want to try the game as a demo and then buy it if you like it, but just have all things free is for vitiated-princess chicks. Also when you're male.
This must look like a fangirlish rant (and probably is) but I'm very angry tonight. Oh and happy 150 Italia!