Lunar Eclipse

Feb 20, 2008 22:45

Tonight there is a lunar eclipse.

I already watched some of it from the resource room on the eighth floor (rehab).

It's beautiful, awe-inspiring, frightening, and wonderful.

The huge glass window forced me to look downward to earth, and thus become slightly dizzy upon the sight of the trees, sidewalk, garbage cans, and benches below.

Keeping the eyes to the heavens, I can't help but feel so small and miniscule, and almost teary, thinking of all the other millions of people in the world, who are gazing at the same eclipse at the exact same moment; people who have in the past gazed at a lunar eclipse, and people in the future who will look upon it with the same trepidation and awe.

As Hillsongs puts it so succinctly..

All the heavens shout Your praise
Beautiful is our God, the universe proclaims!

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