Polaris 24 re-cap

Jul 20, 2010 00:23

Oh hey guys! Guess who just had an awesome time at Polaris? THIS GUY

One of the highlights had to be Kai Owen (Rhys from Torchwood) being a ridiculously cool guy. He came to the Friday night party and introduced himself to my friends and I, and complemented Emma on her Six costume. His Q&A was hilarious, and he CAME TO THE FLIPPIN' TORCHWOOD PANEL I WAS ON! He was ridiculously cool. Just came in and sat down and joined in on the discussion. Then he also came to the saturday night dance, and requested Bad Romance. COOL GUY.

The other highlight for me was the panels. I did five this year, and it was SO much fun. The Best ever was my Merlin panel, where we made a chart of all the 'ships on the show, and then just talked about our favourite moments from the last two series. It was totally chill and fun - best panel I've ever been a part of! On Sunday I also went to a Harry Potter panel that was TOTALLY AWESOME! (no, no one made any AVPM references, but I wanted them to).

This year was low on costuming for me, but that made it less stressful. I was comfortable and happy all weekend.

The best part though was that I won Best Female Costume at the Friday night Doctor Who party. HOORAY! I got the most AMAZING GIFT BASKET EVER. Seriously, there was about $200 worth of stuff in there. As I illustrate...

An adorable cyberman who wants a hug!

A laser screwdriver!

A Who sound-maker.

Dalek magnet

British lanyard!


Who books

Union jack socks!

A cute bus tin

Tiny adorable loose leaf teas!

Jack action figure and a dalek key chain!

Jelly baby?

Sarah Jane's watch and lipstick

I also got two Curlywurlies, but they went pretty quickly. :-D

Now for actual convention pictures!

I took a sad number of pictures, so I've supplemented them with Emma's fantastic pictures from her Flikr account.

Yeah, there was Doctor Who jumprope. :-D

This stone angel was RIDICULOUS

Nine and Ten disapprove of the fez.

Hayley did a mean Amy!face

Ten is slightly too tall for this picture.

The companions join in.

The villains start trickling in

The Masters share a Lucy.

Jayne and Kaylee!

Look at Jamie go!

Six and Two get to share Jamie.

How adorable are they?

I love how disaproving and yet amused The Rani (aka me) is at party!Ten

The only full-length picture of my Rani costume... :-(

Captains John and Jack have a cuddle :-)

Something interesting is happening over there

The Masters scheme


I don't think Amy likes Jack

These two were a couple and were the cutest Four and Romana EVER

What's a collective noun for Masters?

Fezzes are cool

Leah looking SUPER MEGA FOXY AWESOME HOT. srsly, Leah, that should be your profile pic FOREVER

The Mark of the Rani!

Ten and the angel

Now on to Saturday and Sunday!

There's a good touch, and a bad touch...

Sam and Annie. Emma's hair turned out AWESOME

Alex and Chris join the party

My hair had wilted slightly from the humidity.

Dr. Horrible and his biggest fan. I got hit on a LOT that day. I don't know what it is about pigtails that turn men on so much.

A chest burster. In a tuxedo. In a Jayne hat. BEST DAY EVER

Hopefully I can scavenge some more pictures off facebook.

doctor who, the rani, dr. horrible, alex drake, polaris

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