Nov 20, 2009 10:31
I'm bored in class so I thought I'd do a little general update.
I turned 2o last weekend, which was fun and a little bit terrifying. I feel like I now have fewer excuses to get away with things. But so far I am enjoying being a proper big-person grown-up.
I have a few sewing projects on the go. For an independent study at school I'm making 1660s stays. Because it's for a project about theatrical costuming, I'm not worrying too much about historical accuracy - aka plastic boning, cotton fabric, fully machine sewn. It's going to be super fun, though. I am excited for the end result. I'm also plodding away at my TARDIS Day gift - cutting it close to the wire this year!
I re-arranged my room last night so that my bed is under my big window. I like it that way.
Our show's also in full swing, which is super fun. It's so amazing to actually see the final project that was the result of hours of your sweat and blood (literally and figuratively). I'm also super excited about our next show, which takes place in the 50s, 60s, and 70s. Awesome!
Anyway, thats all for now.
mrs. pinchwife stays,
tardis day