I should have posted my Thankful Thursday but I forgot. LOL.
Just want to greet everyone who's celebrating...HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
I have a lot to be thankful for. I mean, 2010 was incredibly awesome for me. I was almost a mess up until later last year and I've never been better. :)
I'm thankful for all the book bloggers, book lovers, and readers out there. You have all been awesome and incredibly generous.
I'm thankful for all the YA authors who have shared their talent and stories to the world. Know that you are loved, appreciated, and have touched lives.
I'm thankful for my sisters who have been patient with all mood swings, sleepless nights (reading), tolerated by book addiction, and loved me unconditionally.
I'm thankful for my parents who have supported me in my every endeavor and madness.
And lastly, I'm thankful for being alive and for every moment spent with the people I love and care for.