Age and dating chances.

Apr 12, 2010 17:26

Someone posted this link on a thread on fetlife about why men date so much younger women. It's all about the data gathered on OKcupid about what ages the sexes prefer and even more damaging to men ...who they actually message.

The Case For an Older Woman

You can clearly see how men are very reluctant to set their age preferences any higher than their own age, but the older they get they are not nearly as picky when it comes to younger women. And even then that is just their attempt at being politically correct on their profiles. Because in reality the women they actively pursue are most of the time only in the lower end of their age allowances and many more even younger than that.

So even if the 45 year old guy says he'll go to 25...he'll still be messaging that cute 18 year old. And as we can see on Fetlife, such things do pay off. Though I have a hard time believing it does for the females. *smirks*

The links also include information about sexual interest and things like that but I don't care. In my personal philosophy any male or female at almost any age should be interested in sex or there is something wrong. I doubt that really has anything to do with age or how unrepressed the woman is at 30+. If she was holding back at 20 I blame that on the relationship (or lack thereof).

Oh and the graph on when a woman becomes far less desirable is interesting too. The obvious cut off at ages women are physically less attractive/getting less fertile. Women get considered over the hill way earlier than men, but frankly that is only natural. I do believe in biology.

What it doesn't do however is make a woman less able to be in the types or relationships most people have these days...the not really breeding kind. Trust me at 35 I'll be able to look after my cats at least as well as I do now. *nodnod*

Sexually I have a pretty strong preference towards young men anyway, which seems different from most females in the statistics. I guess I am just of a different type. If I get with a guy slightly older than me he'll prolly have something of a peter pan complex. And I'd never want to get with a guy who will be sexually old before I do, I still have too much catching up to do for that E.D mess.

Oh and ofcourse everyone goes for the best they think they can get. The male ego is much more stroked with an 18 year old on his arm than a 35 year old woman. While that simply doesn't work in the reverse. In fact in BDSM if you would come out with an 18 year old (male) dom, you are just more likely to get laughed at.

Then again I go ew when they come out with a 50 year old fat grey one with two divorces, 3 grown up kids, alimony payments, several s types and a love of orgasm denial (for them not him obviously).

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