My Secret Garden

Apr 26, 2006 15:37

I've found it. A place so beautiful, a place so calming that it has become my zen spot. And lo-and-behold it is a 10 minute drive from my house and not many people know about it. If only I had known about it years earlier...but I cannot divulge the location of this secret place, for that would ruin the magic and allure for those who know of its mystery.

I visit this place everyday with my canine pal Reggie. The short trip to it is picturesque country tranquility. The only thing that ruins the moment are the sometimes impatient drivers who feel that gravel roads are a NASCAR racetrack. Most of the time though, these are people from the city who haven't learned how to properly relax and are always in a mad-rush to do nothing. As a public service announcement, I should share the location of this secret zen spot so that they too can calm their nerves and breathe easy...but I won't! A day at 10 Spa will do them just as well and won't infringe on my own happiness and seclusion.

When we arrive the parking lot is normally empty, save for the sunny days when there is maybe one or two other vehicles stationed (the parking lot can easily fit several dozen). Having an entire large park (oops - that may have been too big of a clue!) all to ourselves on any given afternoon is like having our own private oasis; a place where the city, and all of its stresses, are left behind. Being self-employed, I enjoy my daily jaunts to this oasis as they help clear my head and help me focus on what is really important. Ultimately what is important in life is love and happiness. It's amazing how a day of rushing to meet deadlines and cussing under your breath at the computer can make one forget that. But this "secret garden" helps me remember.

This place is also a source of inspiration. Over five years ago, I started writing/illustrating a graphic novel. At the time, I couldn't wait to get it done, eagerly anticipating a publishing, movie and merchandising deal after people read & viewed its genuis. However, college and then a full-time job getting my feet wet in the industry forced me to put my creation on the backburner. It wasn't until a a few weeks ago, after visiting my zen spot for the first time in a long time, that my creative fire really started burning again. I have now added to my tale, refined my characters and hope to at least self-publish in the Fall. My zen spot will also feature as the backdrop for part of the story. In appearance only...I'm still not going to namedrop it's location.

A few unscrupulous individuals, unfortunately, know the place of which I speak. Some days (mostly Mondays to correspond with weekend partying), I arrive to broken glass littering the parking lot; tire tracks cutting up the lush, green grass; and once, a picnic table that was singed straight down the middle. I guess true solitude cannot be found in the modern world (or it at least comes at a price - sharing it with people who don't want to find it, but rather hide in it). I just wish people were more respectful in it.

So between throwing tennis balls to Reg, hiking along the calm river trail while watching wildlife, or just sitting with my sketchbook taking in the scenery, this summer I will become one step closer to nature and one step closer to achieving zen. If you know where to look, you can find it too.
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