can I get some nachos? (kind of like, can I get an Amen)

May 20, 2005 08:47

  • Things I don't like ::
    -Sitting on the phone for eternity to get the runaround from a shitty company like Bally total fitness
    -People lying at work about work they did when I was the one who actually did it
    -tummy aches or general aches and pains
    -being so busy that I barely have time to sleep (and yet find time to update...I know)
  • Things I do like ::
    -Garret loving me
    -Abby (just in general)
    -Being so busy that I barely have time to sleep
    -finally being free of Bally Total Fitness!!!!! WOO

So this is my update. I've worked 4 nights in a row with minimal success in the way of tips. I am pretty much done with school for the semester, I just have one more class twice next week and I'll be done at GWC until fall. I'm starting physiology at saddleback monday and I'm pretty excited to get it done with. I am thinking of transferring to Saddleback depending on how I like this class. GWC seems so far away right now. I'm spending a horrible amount on gas just for school. My poor 91 honda accord can only take so much beating. Today I'm going to mentor a child in Costa Mesa. it should be fun. I think I'm going to go paint because I have no homework! So happy about that. I've started waking up naturally at about 6:30 for some odd reason. I guess it's good because I have class at 8 beginning monday morning. I really am going to go this time. I swear.
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