Every minute, need your love

Apr 01, 2009 14:25

I got leg warmers!!! ^_^ For the 1st of March I went to a fair which sold hand made things. And there I met a girl who knotted leg warmers and I got her messenger ID. :D So here I am, having leg warmers. They're really nice, I thought of the model and the result is very nice. I'm gonna post pics soon. Now I feel drained. (that's what happens when you're a woman and have certain days once a month...>_>)
I also bought a top similar to the dress I showed some posts earlier, but it's dark blue with purple and has different models. Am really happy with my new acquisitions and also discovered that I can use bandanas to tie my hair. (of course after I have tied my hair with a normal accessory)

Also, my anatomy teacher gave me an essay to do about transmembranar transport(that is, how different substances enter the cell, through the cell membrane). I'm really eager to finish it. Did more than half, have a little bit more to write. It has 3 pages now, but on Word it'll take less, I suppose. I intend to post images as well. ^_^ But I really have this feeling that I want to give my best and show how much I know. xD Not to mention that while working on this essay I clarified some things that were a bit blurry in my head. ^^ Yes!

Today was Fool's day. And still is. xD So my classmates thought of a really funny thing. From 9:30 to 10:30 we had philosphy lesson, which is quite boring. So...(we are class 12B) 12B went to the 11F classroom(on the same floor), 11F went to 12C and 12C came to our classroom. =)) The result is that we attended the maths class that 11F had to have, 11F attended the class 12C had and 12C attended our philosphy class.=)) That was a joke for the teachers. And I had the best maths class ever! xD The guy really knew how to make it nice. Gee, I have nuts classmates.=))

Wee...just two days and a week and I have Easter holidays! ^_^ can't wait to refresh my brain.
Anyway, because yesterday I was bored, I photoshoped myself to look like a vampire. The result...:

zoom to see the purple eyes. xD Old pic, but it's the best for photoshop actions like face and eye painting.

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