I've got a new dress!!! ^_^ yesterday after anatomy(which went excelent), I went with my mom to a shopping centre in Herastrau park, where there are various types of shops. Most of them don't have good quality products, but there are two, which sell clothing that's been made for England or France or Germany. And I spotted a lovely dress, which I immediatly bough. I mean, it was 17 euros, you must be nuts not to buy a dress with 17 euros! ;))
Sorry if it's a little unclear, my mom still isn't an expert in taking photos. :P
I also visited my cousin, who's studying music in Germany, but comes here during holidays. It's nice that we still see eachother..We've grown together, and it's interesting to see how different we turned out to be...I hope that we'll get to see eachother in the future too. I mean when we'll have a job and kids and everything. ;))
On a not so happy side, Roger lost...:( It's sad to admit it, but he just can't deal with the better players that have raised the game to have a chance against him. I fear he's going down...seriously....:-<