Yeah, another rant...if last time I realized I was too a perfectionist, and I wanted to change this, this time I realized that I have changed...Ever since my grandfather's passing, and the starting of the school. I became more agresive with my family(not with friends or schoolmates, however) and I'm more emotional. And I pay more attention to my mistakes in anatomy, than I did last year. And I am not worried about chemestry at all. Why? I don't know...But it's certain that i miss my old self, who was nice with everybody and walked around in the town, listening to the music coming from the MP3 player and not noticing when the time passed...that i reached so quickly to my destination.
Now I really understand Suomi when she passed through the same feelings, of missing her old self...(although I don't see any change in her). I think that, in fact, it's only us and the ones around us who can notice the change. I mean the ones who see us daily and such...
I wish I was nicer...why do I need to raise my voice at my mom, when she's done nothing to annoy me?
Maybe I got bored of being nice? I don't want to believe this...
Long week ahead...busy wednesday...but I'll survive. xD Just as how I will survive the exams. Damn them, they won't make me fall! I fell now, but I will rise again.
And for my personal cheering-up...
^-^ Is there a place for me too? :P
And this is me, in the girls bathroom. =)))
xD I'm not all dressed in black, the longsleeve is purple, but it seems that it didn't get on the photo...>_<