
Feb 04, 2007 18:47

It is officially too cold.
I've been okay with the coldness & fridgidity until now, but oh no. This single digit weather has to go.

That rhymed.
I should be fired for that. :)
Stuck at work.
Really bored.
Am much excited cause I'm going to see MCR 2x in the next couple of months.
Once at the end of February and once in May.
They rule.
I haven't been this awed by a band that has been in the mainstream music run since.... shit, I don't know? Smashing Pumpkins?
They kind of remind me of them in many ways, but much more attuned to the present time.
I don't think The Black Parade has left my CD player in my car since I bought it.
Alan is geeking out about as much as I am.
I'm such a dork cause I actually designed an outfit for the show. I just need to finish making my jacket and get my boots and corset ordered and will be good to go.
I'm also very happy because I finally got all of my W-2's and can do my taxes now. Hooray for tax returns of the single mommy fashion. I have to really put it to good use this year as next year I won't be able to claim Vincent since it will be Kyle's turn (deemed by the State of Ohio, not me).
I also made bonus this month and I plan on getting my stupid credit cards paid off.

Anywho.... anyone who thinks of anything interesting to do while I'm stuck here for the next 2 1/2 hours should text me.

me=teh sooper bor3d + dork

Later kids.


smashing pumpkins, taxes, mcr, clothes, cold

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