Feb 26, 2007 18:51
Today during P.E. was the bomb.
I was late, so when I walked down the stairs, everyone was already going in. Mr. M and Mr. W were talking to a security guard, so I thought I could slip by unnoticed, since I usually do. Unfortunately, Mr. M HAD to notice.
Of course, he HAS to make a big deal because it's some ungodly annoying ritual where you HAVE to annoy me at least once a day. And since I piss him off a lot of times, yeah. It was our last day of softball, and the fields were STILL soaked from the rain.
But we played softball anyway. Eventually, Mr. M gets pissed off at our pitchers and starts pitching for us. We all were annoyed by him, so whenever he tells people to throw the ball to him, we throw it some other way and force him to pick it back up.
Poor teacher.