Why, hello there

Nov 20, 2007 12:54

Originally published at Pix-y Sticks. You can comment here or there.

Why, hello there
Originally uploaded by dreamingcrow

Hand feeding the lorikeets ” nectar” (fortified apple juice) at Lorikeet Landing at the Oregon Zoo.
Portland, Oregon
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

File #20071113_003336-1


Yes, I know that I’ve already posted today, but this one made me smile. ^_^

The Younger was bitten twice by a lorikeet during this visit. One landed on his shoulder and tried to use his ear as a balancing post. The other just reached out and nipped his finger when he wasn’t paying enough attention to it. All of this didn’t stop him from wanting to go get more juice, though!

I will say that this whole setup and the birds completely beat the similar parakeet exhibit with seed sticks at the Woodland Park Zoo.   It’s a better space, both for the people and the birds, and the birds have more personality and are people-friendly.

Now playing: Waylon Jennings And Willie Nelson - Luchenbach Texas
via FoxyTunes


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