OOC: what Brienne's been up to

Nov 09, 2006 09:31

Brienne still hasn't made it out of the Sorting Room.

At her own Sorting, the first person she saw was Jaime, whom she was alarmed to meet. She revealed that she was unhappy to have found him because zombie!Catelyn had made her swear to kill him. After miserably resisting his attempts to goad her into action, Brienne proposed that the slaying be delayed until Jaime was capable of a fair fight against her. He also informed her that Arya Stark had just arrived at Hogwarts. Many words about a certain bath were exchanged throughout the conversation.

Other persons who took an interest in Brienne included Stephen Maturin, who offered to restore her face to its pre-Biter condition, and Simkin, who seemed amused by her (isn't he amused by everyone?). While wary, Brienne accepted Simkin's offer to ask the Hat about sorting her into the same house as Arya. He made good on that offer.

Brienne had never seen Arya Stark face-to-face, and took Jaime's word for it that the girl had arrived at Hogwarts. Understandably, Arya was suspicious and wary of the stranger who claimed to have sworn to protect her -- and who seemed to be a friend of the Kingslayer. Eventually Arya admitted to her identity and seemed to accept that Brienne was not an active threat to her, but insisted she did not need protection.

At Jaime's Sorting, Brienne became alarmed when Lily Potter, whom she thought to be a possible member of the Tully family, offered Jaime tea. A conversation among the three followed, revealing several facts about Jaime's past to Lily, as well as revealing a good deal of Brienne's emotional state -- the girl wears her heart on her sleeve.

ooc, threads

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