Latest Otonoha

Nov 21, 2010 00:01


Why Hello.

It’s me.

This is something that happened when we were filming the commercials as Tourism navigators, introducing Japan to countries overseas.

There was a situation in which we had to say the equivalent of “HAI CHEEZU!” (Say Cheese!) in languages from different countries around the world.

In Korean it was “Kimchi~!”…

In English it was “Chee(se)”…


These are all words that end in the vowel sound “i”, to make people smile

A fact that seems to be the same in many countries around the world…

This is where the conversation between the other members and I began.

If we had to pick an equivalent word, ending in a ‘i’ sound (like Kimchi), in Japan, to create a new

“Hai Cheezu!"

…what would be the most appropriate word?

We debated about it for a while, but couldn’t settle on one thing in particular.

“How about ‘Kabuki~’”?


“What about ‘Sushi~’?”

During the conversation, an outrageous suggestion was made.

Ohno: "Saigo Takamori ~~~"

(Translation Note: remember Ohno’s picture of the Guy on the toilet with the dog, I included a pic too)


Well, I guess it’s correct.

Yeah. He is right.

“It does end in an ‘i’ sound,

And he is a historical figure representative of Japan...

But I don’t know how I feel about that choice!

He really picked an interesting line to go down!

So, if that’s the case then…

“Ohno Satoshi~~~”

Would also have be just as good of a choice…

Ever since then…

It’s been a trend between the five of us to extend the final ‘i’ vowel sounds abnormally when talking…

“Tomorrow I start earl~~~~y”


“Looking forward to the concert (Concert tanoshimi~~~ii)”

Whenever a word or sentence ends in the ‘i’ vowel sound, no matter what it is we extend it.

(Young children, please don’t copy this sort of behaviour


Rather, adults should be the one’s not doing this sort of thing)

And this, with our little group trend we are addicted to, is what Arashi has been like lately.

Only one more month left in the year!

Where on the home stretch desu ~~~u!!

(The above is incorrect usage).

Sakurai Sho.

translations, say "cheese" biatches!!

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