Highs and Lows - in which I bitch and moan because it is my only skill in life

Jan 21, 2010 08:56

I just had to pay $50 worth of fees to get my academic record and letter of testamur....*sighs*

Unlike all the other wonderful universities, mine is the only one who won't forward our grades to the Education Department as soon as they come out. No. We have to wait, request them, pay $30 dollars, and then post them off ourselves....stupid university.

On top of that, just a simple letter to say "I have passed all my courses", costs me another $20....

I know they have to support admin. costs and all that... but $50 for three peices of paper seems a little steep to me....

I don't think they appreciate the fact that I had to work flat out for the last 5 years just to pay off all my other fees....

Lol...yeah, because $50 is going to get me so far.... *facepalms*

This morning a sales lady called me at work, requesting my home e-mail address. I said no.
She then called three more times, and claimed a need to discuss similar options with all other members of staff.
I would have spooned her if I could have.
Perhaps I could have gotten realy evil and just sporked her.


Me: Xy Family Clinic. How may I help you?
Idiot: Oh, Hello? Who is this?
Me: This is the xy family clinic.
Idiot: Oh. Did I call you?
Me" Yes. Yes you did....
Idiot: Oh. Goodbye.

*sighs* - I wish violence wasn't my first reaction to everything.

I have been spending some of my waking hours looking at JET blogs as well. Most of them tend to say that the  interview will cause you to die a slow and painful death.

In other news - my friends are awesome.

I need to do more Arashi flailing!!! I need to do more Aiba flailing!!!
I need to stop flailing over Jun so much - he is drawing me in to his web of prettty. NOOOO!

jet stuff. my dreams of invading japan, university gloom and doom, telemarketers need to be sporked

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