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wy_nike January 10 2010, 13:16:51 UTC
ah! i have no idea what prog was this.
was that aiba's attempt to write sth?
my friend and i went "HEH?" at the pic and burst out laughing! aiba's so cute!! my friend declared him as the bimbo of the group =( she's new to arashi fandom but falling in love fast! =D

and, yes im slow but i just watched the interview of arashi in shounen club to promote kouhaku, and i totally burst out laughing at ohno and his eye patch. how can anyone look manage to still look so squishy and adorable even with an eye patch on??? and.. my friend kept wondering why didnt they make him put on sunglasses or sth. but i guess ohno couldnt be bothered. either that or the doc gave him an eye patch, so eye patch it is. either way, he's so cute! <3


maibachan January 10 2010, 21:03:05 UTC
It was Nepleague, and he was trying to write one of the character's for emergency exit. Lol.
He is a bimbo, but I adore him *facepalms*

Ohno and his eyepatch = love. I just wanted to squish him:p


wy_nike January 13 2010, 07:37:13 UTC
ah! aiba's so cute, i cant wait to watch this prog! <3
and yes, i love aiba for his bimboness. too cute, too cute.
why is it that i find aiba and his bimboness cute, but i cant stand bimbotic girls? wonder just how biased i am. o.0

and yes. mr eyepatch is love!!!


maibachan January 13 2010, 11:22:38 UTC
Lol, 'Mr. Eyepatch' <3
It is well worth watching it just for the fail - then again, I'd be happy to stare at arashi even if they were just standing there doing nothing.... I am sad like that


wy_nike January 17 2010, 07:02:52 UTC
im sad like that too! LOL fandom has eaten my life away, but im so happy abt it. LOL~

and anw~ i just watched tokudane a few days ago.
apparently mr genius bimbo is also mr cheerful pervert.

and mr genius eyepatch was such love! esp when he tried er.. switching on his switch for the 2nd time.. being all cheerful and immediately doubting himself. all within a second. OMG SO HILARIOUS!


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