It was totally worth it...

Dec 20, 2009 11:18

I now have sunburn across both arms and my chest - Stupid Australian NINJA sun. I put on like 8 layers of sunblock, and I still turned bright red... Oh well, at least mine will turn brown eventually. I'm lucky like that:p Sitting on a field of 100,000+ people and singing along with the likes of 'The WIGGLES' and other awesome artists, made the night awesome. Even if the 3pm kids show involved a 'Roxy the yellow footed rock wallaby' yodelling 'Jingle Bells'. It took me back to my 'Uta no Oniisan' obsession' ^__^ Worst moment of the night - we were packing up and my host student decided to wander off...without her phone....DO NOT DO THAT IN A CROWD OF 100,000 PEOPLE YOU RETARD!!! I think every second word out of my mout was 'FUCK' when we were trying to look for here. Then I had to drive home because my darling mother drank a little too much. She also forgot her wallet, so I had to feed my siblings and 3 cousins as well as pay for parking...*sigh* Lol, either way, the night was eventful:p And despite all the drama, I had fun. Especially when my younger cousin (who I have converted:p) started singing 'Sakura Sake'. I love my family. I really do. My voice is now shot to pieces, and my mother has banned me to bed rest... this cold is trying to kill me:p I love Ohno at the press confernce. Lol, only he would mishear the word 'Fan' for 'Japan'. Totally glomp-worthy. 5 days 'til christmas here... which means it's only 4 days 'til AIBA-DAY!!! ARASHI FTW!!

summer colds suck balls!, japanland is my homeland, host students 'cause uneeded stress, aiba is going to father my children

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