I must have been evil in another life...

Nov 23, 2009 10:04

That's the only reason I can think of to explain the horror that has befallen me....

Day 5 of the 'No Internet at Home' Saga

I have discovered that the seige may last longer than predicted... I don't know if I can hold out any more...
Hope was fleeting, and now I am faced one more with burning despair....
December third...December third....a date that has yet to be confirmed....but one can only pray that this hell does not last any longer....
I fear for my sanity...

I am the most boring person in the world....seriously. WIthout internet, I have no life....
Work is now my favourite place:p How lame is that!?
I have been catching up on all the stuff I missed...but I don't think I will be able to...considering I am at work and all:p
I did manage to see Aiba the Ballerina though ^__^ Awesomesauce!
I find it incredibly amusing that of all things, he was a ballerina - and the only way anyone will know why, is if they were with me on New Year's Eve after I had consumed a fair few tequila shots...lol....

aiba is going to father my children, i have a thing for ballerinas...obviousl

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