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daisuki_dkzen November 4 2009, 22:39:08 UTC
hehehehehe....he's rocking in the yoda-ears!! *pinches cheeks* didnt nino have matsujun's baby picture on his phone?


maibachan November 4 2009, 22:48:40 UTC
Ohno said he changed it to one of him recently - lol
He said it was Matsujun for a while, but then Nino found the bald one as was like 'I want that' - ^__^


daisuki_dkzen November 5 2009, 00:29:34 UTC
oohmiiiyaaa~~ <3 <3 <3 <3 they are too cute


maibachan November 5 2009, 00:51:55 UTC
They are. I want to collect them and keep them in a shiny glass box above my bed.
Perhaps I will play with them every now and again..but I am content to watch them go at it.

Wow, my mond went from innocent to perverted in a matter of seconds.

Breaking news!! I just finished one of my assignments that is due tomorrow! It's not even 12pm, and it's DONE! *IS IN SHOCK*


daisuki_dkzen November 5 2009, 00:58:28 UTC
Oh, can I have the whole collection? Id like Ohmiya, Sakuraiba, and Sakumoto. JunShoKi if possible, and maybe Juntoshi as well. <3

My minds been stuck in the gutter ever since this porfest started...take the lecture today. The only part I actively paid attention to was when my professor said "sex is beneficial to your health; you should have protected sex all the time." to which my mind said sure, but how do I get Sho away from Japan without anyone noticing??



maibachan November 5 2009, 01:15:00 UTC
Lol. 'Arashi Couples - the collector's edition'

I want to know why your lecturer said THAT!
Why aren't my lectures like that!?!?!
Mine consist of "And the appropriate way to deal with attention seeking behaviour is to tactically ignore. Identifying such behaviour can be achieved through a process of Applied behaviour analysis...." BLAH BLAH BLAH!

I like the gutter. It's entertaining:p


daisuki_dkzen November 5 2009, 01:26:03 UTC
haha...cuz its a "psychology of gender" class and we're into love and sexuality. although its actually more of a feminist theory class because no matter what the prof says, she is such a feminist, mmkay?

the gutter is quite amusing. it has things such novelties as authoritative!ohno, sho!boner, diva!jun, spiraling!aiba, and evil!nino. <3


maibachan November 5 2009, 01:58:34 UTC
Sho!boner....*giggling uncontrollably*
I am so immature. I love it. I really do >8]

Love and sexuality...Hmmm, yeah, nope. I don't think there will EVER be a course like that in a primary school education degree:p


daisuki_dkzen November 5 2009, 02:09:11 UTC
that one makes me giggle too. <3 balls ha

yeah, i just needed a class to fill my schedule. and it seemed interesting at the time...


maibachan November 5 2009, 02:17:33 UTC
At the time? Not so interesting anymore? lol.
I guess the whole feminism thing would make it a little less light-hearted.
I took children's theatre ed. because it sounded like fun:p It is:) I got to be a frog in class the other day! That's one life long dream fulfilled!

I keep seeing this Aiba/Jun based pron scenario in my head...it's been haunting me all day:p Why am I so disturbed?!


daisuki_dkzen November 5 2009, 02:25:50 UTC
you have a lot of assignments left?

is the porn gonna get written?? after junshoki, and your awesomesauce, im starting to ship jun/aiba a little more.

the class is boooring. and the teacher goes off on weird tangents that getting irritating after the first week. XP


maibachan November 5 2009, 02:29:42 UTC
Jun/Aiba is smex waiting to be written...they are just so yummy together.

I have one more assignment left. GROUP ONE *grumpy face*
I am the editor, and one girl still hasn't sent her part in...even though it's due tomorrow!

I'm thinking this pron may get written tomorrow night (if I am not drunk after celebrating a little too much:P)

I don't know if I ca do it though. In my head, it is a lot heavier than anything else I have written - and I am pretty sure it is going to turn out sort of crap - I am not a pron writer:p


daisuki_dkzen November 5 2009, 03:21:12 UTC
they are pretty yummy i must admit. <3

group projects are never fun. i have one coming up. *grumble* ah ha, have fun with that celebrating. i will be waiting for the porn. <3

what is "heavy porn"? if you mean explicit, the best thing for that is to say f*ck it and jump right in. lolz. look at me talking like im some kind of expert. XP

no srsly. what is "heavy porn"?


maibachan November 5 2009, 03:22:51 UTC
I meant 'explicit', but for some reason you've got me thinking about Arashi in 0-gravity...I guess that would be weightless pron:p


daisuki_dkzen November 5 2009, 03:28:47 UTC
oooh....i hopes its dirty...lolz. ^________________^ something that belongs in the comm? *is hopeful*

arashi+zero gravity=a no arashi - the sex game special. LMAO.

"do orgasms feel the same in zero g?"
"what does it look like when you c**?"
"is it possible to have sex in zero g?"

ROFLMAO! i said c**....*snorts*


maibachan November 5 2009, 03:39:46 UTC
Oh you naught girl:p ROFL
That soooo needs to be in the next 'odoroki no arashi' special!!!
Lol, Ohno and Aiba rolling around the jet:p

I think it might be comm worthy:p


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