Koala Cabin: Maia's Alcove:After nightfall:NFB

Jul 22, 2006 21:33

Maia was curled up on the bed, the clothes she had on from earlier were thrown in the trash can outside the cabin. She couldn't bring herself to throw the sweatshirt away Susan had wrapped her in to keep her warm that night. Instead it was in the bottom drawer in the back corner of her dresser so she wouldn't see it. With a wet head and the blankets pulled up over her Maia thought over everything Ivanova had said it had been brief but the point was clear. Maia closed her eyes against the thoughts,
tomorrow would be a new day and she let it go, let Susan do whatever she was going to do. She had survived before she met Susan and now...she didn't want to think about now and when in the world did Susan start to smoke anyway? Maia shut her eyes tighter and let herself fall into the images that always swam on the edges of her mind.

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