
Oct 14, 2010 01:24

I'm really tired and should really actually sleep.

Instead I sit here and read blogs.
I haven't actually read any blogs in a while - mostly I just scroll through them, skimming it see if there's anything of interest/import.
Also I've been making a marked effort to blog less myself - personal challenge kinda thing (though my wordpress probably says differently lol).

Trust me, it's a constant struggle.
I miss it.
There's something about reading(and writing) that has a calming effect on me ---> that said, I probably should start reading that big pile of 'to-read' books sitting on my desk, collecting a serious amount of dust.
Then again, I've barely looked at my desk in the four-five months since I've finished university.

Speaking of, I've got my graduation ceremony in approx. 26 hrs.
omg what should I wear????!!

LoL, what a girl.
(But probably the emerald Tokito dress I haven't worn yet.)

In other news, I have a stalker at work.
It might be something to laugh about, but he seriously gives me the heebie jeebies. And thankfully, my co-workers FINALLY see how uncomfortable I am about it - perhaps because the situation has somewhat escalated. So they cover me when I run away now (unlike one unnamed ass who actually egged it on!).
Though one of the cash office ladies got really angry for me - a little too irritated / angry. Whilst it gives me the heebie jeebies, I don't see the point in getting that angry? After all, what can really be done?

Hopefully all the awkwardness of tonight will drive a clue into his retarded brain and he'll get the fricken hint.

I'm tired.
Rambling really.

You're falling, and the only one stopping you is yourself - fingers unsuccessfully clasping at non-existent handholds and nails ripping off.

life, work, uni

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