Aug 04, 2005 09:01
Since the magic of Dr. B, I have learned that the simple joy I found in the outdoors has morphed into a desperate love. I'm starting to feel antsy when I go without it. When Dr. B said I wasn't allowed to run any more for a little while yet I felt sad... not a reaction I've had before since 9th grade when all of this obnoxiousness began. Hopefully once the weather cools down a bit more I'll get greg and a hiking partner back again (he's refused to go out on the basis of extreme murderous heat, I dont really blame him).
So, pray that I come home this afternoon tick and poison ivy free (I'm more worried about the poison ivy as I am quite skilled at the finding, removing and killing of ticks), although just writing this is making me itchy.
Another informal poll: Who has the cuter belly, greg or me?