Jan 18, 2006 20:01
I can't believe today is over. In the interest of ending it sooner rather than later, I will be brief...
Started the morning with a power outage. Luckily woke up fairly on time. Got ready to leave the house in just the light of early gloomy morning for my 10:10am flight to Roanoke for work. Leave late. Arrive at airport OK. Nothing major besides rain-related traffic. After getting boarding pass, reach security and NO DRIVERS LICENSE. Eeep! Don't continue through since once I arrive I won't be able to get a rental car so I get frantic. Calls to husband. Calls to the office. Running to check the car for license. Call to facility where I'm going. Final decision - book a later flight and in the meantime return home to search there. My flight is now for 1:20pm. Other ones would arrive way late. This gives me 2 hours. Run home, stopping at the doctor's office to see if I left it there on Monday. No. Realize that I used it for ID to donate blood last Thursday and may not have had it returned to me. Run home. Nothing there. Run to DMV. They only take checks or money orders! Run to post office for said money order. The DMV was a miracle. No long lines this time, and it was the most painless thing all day. Think I'm home free with half hour to spare. Run to airport, passing a van that crunched into a barrier and later on, an overturned car. (side rant: How do people do that? If there is bad weather, why is it difficult for people to pay a modicum more of attention and care? grrr.) Uneventful arrival at gate. Crew is late. Takeoff bumpy. Cruising fine. Descent & landing NERVE-RACKING. I hate hate hate turboprops. I've never had a smooth ride and fear for my life every time I take one. Hence why my return flight is on 2 jets. Land in one piece. Pick up my rental car (yay, new license!) Drive 1 hour to Lynchburg. Continue on to test facility to check in with folks in case anyone was still there at 5 minutes past quitting time. Of course not. Check into hotel. Starving from not having time to eat all day. Go to wonderfully tasty Indian restaurant I was at the last time I was here. Was asked if I was Indian (not the first time!) Ate a yummy vegetarian combo platter I couldn't finish. "Can I have a box?" "I'm sorry, we don't give out boxes until 7:30." "OK..." "So where are you from?" chat chat chat. yadda yadda yadda. "I was just kidding about the boxes, I just wanted to talk to you. You're very pretty" Boo for waiter who hits on me...does he not see my rings! Another reason I don't like eating out alone. Oh well. I know I said brief....really, it is...Now it's time to veg...