Pictures from my birthday-party and some other stuff.
They get worse and worse. I was drunk. I got drunker. I had a hangover the next day. Yay!
Me and my baby!
Pretty one of KayKay
Meeting Adrian and Karim downtown. This was when we finally dropped the bomb and told Damien that I don't hate Karim anymore... =P Was fun...
Just... wrong... Sorry, KayKay
The Kayas and the Maia
Awww! Aren't they cute? I was... shocked... and surprised... I mean, I had really given up that this would ever happen, cause it had been so long.
Again: Awww!
More party-people!
Meee! ^^
Pretty dress, Stetson-hat and red rose. Wheee!
The Three Goddesses
Just cause she's so damn sexy in this pic. I wish he wasn't in it...
So, that's all the ones I uploaded to Photobucket. The rest were rather boring. Or upside-down...
The Madness Sucks, But Not Too Bad