The past week in photos

Feb 25, 2009 00:07

Last week on my day off I went out to see Coraline 3D, and I LOVED it. Of course, I need to read the book now. But ooooh, so pretty and cool and I really want to make costumes <3

I also went shopping and got shoes for work and costumes. I may hate Walmart, but don't know of anywhere else with prices like theirs for new footwear. And they had EXACTLY what I needed.

Floofy skirt is at a standstill. The 4th tier is done, but after spending literally all night cutting out all the pieces for tiers 5 and 6 on Friday (seriously, no sleep for Saturday of Con-G, so that's why I was even more out of it than usual), I just can't work on it any more.

This is what the Bat-Sweatshop looked like up until very very early Saturday morning.

I'm still motivated on the shoes though. I'm beading every day, even if it's only a tiny section on my lunch break (my coworkers all think I'm crazy, too, BTW). This is where I'm at as of tonight... still making progress, but obviously not fast enough. Have been stressing out about that, at least I was until strayfish  and kesteral  saved my life. Or at least what resembles my sanity ^_^ THANKS GUYS!!!

Which segues nicely into Con-G!
Ummm, I don't really have photos for this one. I had planned to take pictures. I brought my camera, and fresh batteries, and extra memory cards. Then I took three photos all weekend. *sigh* Why can't I take pictures at cons???
Anyways, I had a great time. It was a really awesome de-stress. The only little freak-out was in the hotel room (and nobody around to witness it) when I realized that the iron had something sticky melted and burning on the plate, just as I was about to iron Goldeen. kesteral let me wear her Matsuri costume on Saturday, and while it didn't last long it was lots of fun&pretty. I stole photos of it:

Changed into Goldeen after our late lunch due to discomfort and for the masquerade... since I was going to enter Matsuri "out of competition" to fill out numbers, I figured I might as well wear something I made and be a "real" entry. Well, a real walk-on. Most of the time I do not lament my severe lack of creativity, but instead enjoy the fact that I have ingenuity instead. But when it comes to masquerades I always feel like a failure. If it's anything more than a walk-on, I needed help writing it. :(  Those of you who can write something funny and entertaining to present, especially just a few hours beforehand, have no idea how much I respect and envy that!  darthmarysue  and saeru , congratulations once again on your win!
Just for the record, I came home with a button, One Piece DVD, and this pretty ribbon for my Third Place Best Tail (workmanship) award.

Dance was fun enough (how could dancing to One WInged Angel not be epic?) and Sunday was very chill. Spent the day in bed, behind kesteral  and amy_the_yu 's table, or being incredibly awkward with poke-moonies.
My only real complaint is about the lack of food. Eating one bigger meal a day does not suit me at all, even if the food and company are both delicious. If I had known there wouldn't be anything readily available I would have packed like I do for Ad-Astra.

HUGE thank-yous to saeru  and viewpoints , solartempest , and infini_iv  for chauffeuring me around <3
Also: cotton candy: almost as popular as Hoot Hoot glasses.

(not-cut for TOTALLY AWESOME)
How is it that everyone I know is so goddamn TALENTED?
urate  surprised the heck out of me by sending me this on Sunday

Villains: beware my Priss-eyes, my Vash-hair, and my electric porcupine quills of death! Mwaa ha ha ha!
I've posted at least one of Katherine's drawings before (she drew the portrait of my rats and me) but everyone should check out her website and art blog for more pretty and freaky images.

One more quick plug tonight... on Saturday I'm going to be modeling again for Kat O'Shaughnessy (artist and designer of the outfit pictured above and the zombie line of last spring) at her solo show. I encourage anyone interested to come out. It's at 649 The Queensway, 6-10pm. Detailed facebook invite may or may not be here. (well it IS there, I just don't know who it's visible to is all) Or just ask me for deeeeeetails.

modeling, omm nom nom, slippers from hell, sewing, coraline, convention, pokemans, mmm toxic fair food, art, cosplay, floofy skirt, masquerade, con-g, anything and everything

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