Alright, so I totally owe post info! But I'm tired, so you just get fragments.
Ad Astra: I had a LOT of fun. More than I expected to after selling my soul to
writerz_bloc, actually. Can I do a con report as shout-outs? try and stop me!
In no particular order:
writerz_bloc: I hope I was useful enough to you as a staffer. I've never done any "work" for a con before, so I tried my best. Big thanks to you for the room arrangements. I think it worked out pretty well in the end. Only sorry I missed your photography/posing panel since it's gotten rave reviews. Also, since I think I missed saying it at the time, I loved your outfit for the dance!
stillvisions: Echoing my regrets to Amanda about missing the photography panel. You're super cute as sandshrew, but then you already knew that.
kesteral: I really liked the personal fiestas. They are so much fun. You need to mass produce. Also (unrelated), crazy old ladies can kiss my ass. Should have gone with first instincts. Oh well, now we know.
solartempest: thank you very very much for the photo shoot! I loves the results. Though I'm not so fond on the ones in which I'm dancing like a man in tights and looking like a dork. Nobody's supposed to be watching! :P Also had fun hanging out with you and your nuts
seedofdarkness and
wookiemart: Was very nice to meet you, and I'm looking forward to seeing you at future cons!
jo_canadian: you need to sleep at normal hours! :P Thanks for post-con chilling and movies and looking out for me. We should hang out more in the summer.
boxxer_auction: Somehow I'm blaming you for everything that happened during Earth 45 minutes. EVERYTHING. You troublemaker.
kusanivy: Leather Ball leather party will definitely have to happen. I'm definitely going to need a hand figuring out what I can do with all this stuff! Also will likely take you up on offer of Wing stump painting session. Will be in touch after April. Oh, and I thoroughly enjoyed your pajama walk-off.
eleryth: you have no idea how helpful the kimono workshop was for me. Everything from last year... completely forgotten. Now I at least have a slim chance of not messing up Goldeen completely ^_^
mints4friends: Pajama party and dance class were both highlights. Also i loved your masq costumes, and the dancing was perfect! Congratulations on the win!
sokonau: hope you enjoyed your first ad-astra and that I'll see you there again!
kesteral has pretty much been covering it all so let's just leave it at "we're not so sure about ending up around Eglington West anymore". Looking at a couple of places in my current neighbourhood over the next few days which makes me rather happy, even if it doesn't get me closer to work. Oh well.
Jet: Every time I take a good look at him I notice something else wrong. I am getting very concerned about his well-being, especially with the move coming up, so we're taking a trip to the vet before work tomorrow. i hope I won't be coming home alone.
Cons: I had the misfortune of opening up my Ad Astra book and the first thing I saw was the flyer for ConCept. Whose guest of honour is the only author, artist, actor, or voice actor I would ever go to a con to see. Looks like I may be going to Montreal a little earlier than WorldCon. The timing'll be a bitch though since I was thinking about going out to Youmacon this year, and it seems they're only a week apart. Maybe I'll just try to take vacation for the end of October.