Welcome to VEDA

Apr 02, 2012 01:40

I actually wanted to write a whole bunch about this instead of just posting my video - but I'm too tired. It's late and I need to go to bed. Will have to wait for another day, and I'll do a short-version in the mean-time.

It's April, and with April comes VEDA (or BEDA). It's a "thing", in certain circles, like how NaNoWriMo is a thing... in certain circles. VEDA stands for Vlog Every Day April, and the only rule is to post every day. It started in 2009 with Maureen Johnson, and has grown. This year I wanted to try - I need to post more, and I thought this might be a good way to do it. I'm not going to be producing quality creative content for this, I'm just going to be doing short (VERY short) updates - aiming for about 1 minute with an absolute maximum of 2; no editing because I have neither the time nor good enough editing software for such a thing to be practical. I hope nobody minds seeing my posts daily - if I can even pull it off.

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veda 2012

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