Torchwood Commentaries

Dec 23, 2007 11:07

OK, so yes, Kender gave me copies of all TW season 1 eps last Christmas, but I haven't been able to watch more than the first four. Sucks, I know. But I've been watching them every Saturday night on BBC America since I got home, and I had not seen last night's two eps.

Contains spoilers, so just on the off-chance that someone other than folks on my flist reads this, I'll place behind cuts.

Faery episode

Wouldn't it have made more sense for Jack to tell Estelle he was her Jack's grandson? I mean, if you do the math, WWII Jack would've had to have been in his late 50s/early 60s when he "had" this Jack. It's done, but to avoid sticky questions . . . .

In 1909 Lahore on the train, if only some of the men had gotten drunk and killed the Chosen One, why did the faeries kill the whole company? And why did they not kill Jack?

Estelle's death, Jack holding her -- ::Luta cries::


How cute/hot is Ianto?

Jack busting through wall and shooting villagers
A. I am surprised and amazed he didn't shoot to kill. It would've been justifiable to the police. And it would be sooooooo Jack to want to punish the people who hurt his team.
B. ::Luta swoons:: Oh my GODS was he sexy!

::Luta pets Gwen:: They put that poor girl through the wringer in that ep. I've thought about how difficult it must be for her to not talk about her job with her partner, but after a day like that . . . . I now understand her falling in with Owen. I still haven't made up my mind about Owen (quite often I just want to kick him), but I started to like him a bit last night.

So, in summary, let me just say . . .

Man, I love this show!


Does anyone know where to find some decent TW pics?

torchwood, tv

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