Is it really possible to buy love? I think it might be... I'm particularly partial to apple croissants (just in case anyone wants me to love them). I may have done just that.
So... I just bought my favorite childhood toy of an era lost!
Yes, it isn't yellow. But it's the lock of my childhood. Now I shall forever be able to protect my childhood innocence with the hottest 19 year old cereal box toy lock on the market!
In other news... I'm a fool.
I realized that I have lots of friends that are really artistically inclined. I miss being creative, but I was never the visually creative type. I always loved to play with words. There is magic, power, beauty, rawness, and wonder in words. I love crafting a poem and being able to share it just to find the responses that people have to it. There are ways that people engage with written word that just astounds me. However, I feel like the art of poetry is lost on the majority of the population. Seems like there are lots of people who just write it off (i'm a sucker for puns). I want to be able to get back in to my groove, I feel like that's an important way that I express myself, and it can be on the same level as people who are creating webpages, or myspace layouts or something like that. I can get it too!!!
I've also noticed that I'm quite a flirt? I don't know if it's flirty or friendly. The eternal question right? Who knows where this all came from? Why is there a question mark at the end of every sentence that I just typed?
I never noticed such behavior in myself before, but I guess things change as you get older. I just feel like now I have more confidence to go out there and holla at a young lady or something like that. I'm realizing that I'm quite the awesome person. Handsome, funny, generally charming. Now, this has also come with many comments about me being a bit arrogant, but I think that it's always ok to notice the good stuff about yourself. Although, I must do some more delving into these ridiculous accusations!
ok, enough head vomit for the moment
I'm out...