Sep 30, 2005 18:48
Well, guess what....nothing has really changed lately lol
Work sucks...surprise surprise
Boys suck...surprise surprise
yet overall, my life is good ^_^
apparently, Giz found my journal :-P guess I should be more choosey about what I say on here ^_~ Just Kidding, everyone can read my journal...secrets here.
So yes, abstaining from boys is going ex happened to drop into my store yesterday though :( I look up and viola...there he is and i almost freak out. Oddly enough, I can talk to him on the phone but seeing him still makes shake and freak out...its been 7 months and I havent fully gotten over him. This has never happened before with any of my ex's...usually there is a month of mourning and its all good but Steve is a completely different story apparently.
Thats about the only exciting thing thats happened to me in awhile lol