May 28, 2009 23:43
My trip to Chicago today did not go well. It actually started off really well. I bought my ticket, I got on the train, made it to Chicago. When I arrived at about 1:30, I got turned around. I was hungry and suddenly panicked because it was my first trip to a big myself. My stomach led me straight to a McDonalds and after I had eaten, everything was right with the world. How I feel about McD's and all other fast food will come later (I just finished reading Michael Pollan's In Defense of Food).
I started on my journey and admittingly got frustrated. It seemed like it took forever to get there and by the time I made it to the Mag Mile, my directions suddenly stopped making sense. Loyola has an 820 N. Michigan Ave address despite not actually being on Michigan Ave. So after consulting a fireman I found them hidden away on Pearson St. Once I arrived I had to convince the people at the front desk that I was at the right address because they kept insisting that this was not 820 N. Michigan. It took a few minutes for me to convince them that there was no 820 N. Michigan and leaving and going back to Michigan Ave was not going to help me. I was right. They let me in. The Orientation started promptly at 4 pm and despite telling me that I was going to be there until 5:30, I was done at 4:45. I'm really not sure why I needed to come to Chicago for this since all they showed me was how to log on and resgister and made me sign a document that I'd read their handbook. Also they told me I need to either take down my facebook or modify it since apparently they look at that when you begin clinicals. I start clinicals in the Fall. Awesome!
I left Lewis Towers at 4:50 and hightailed it back to the station. I knew a train was leaving for Naperville at 5:32 so I ran back to the station and jumped on the first one I saw. The first one that happened to be in the spot that I'd left earlier that day. Wrong idea. Had I boared the other train that left 4 minutes later, I might have actually made it to Naperville. Instead I wound up on an express train that did not stop in Naperville. This led to very embrassing calls to my parents who I haven't had to call about anything like that since I was in high school. I got off two cities from Naperville and took a taxi that cost me $30. Great. I must say this is a bad omen. I am not looking forward to anything this fall at this point. Not to mention that that I may have to take summer school. Are you kidding? I had not even started the program yet and I have to take summer school. GRR!
The children are cute though and it's good catching up with my parents. So far everything is going well.