Nov 30, 2011 23:33
After the completely inedible saffron icing incident, I have taken to googling my culinary inspirations to see if recipes (and therefore quantities and ratios of ingredients) already exist. Perhaps I'm really tame, but I must admit I'm more than a little surprised, not that my ideas already exist, but the extent to which they exist. I've volunteered to contribute some baking to my daughter's ballet school for their annual bake sale. I've been toying with a few ideas, and I had thrown a few pomegranates in our grocery basket today, so I thought, "Hmm...I love pomegranates. Maybe I can do something with pomegranates for the bake sale. Hmm...I also love cheesecake. I wonder if those two flavours would work together?" And lo and behold, they do. Apparently I've been missing out - big time."Pomegranate cheesecake recipe" resulted in 4920 results.