Five months ago I wrote a small comment on a story I read, the story was awful, it was a mock diary for Stephen King and was about as funny as a dead dog, not even a rabid dead dog, and the comment I left said as much.
Yes, I was most likely a little harsh, blunt even, but that is who I am. This last Monday, the 31st of March, I received a letter condemning me for not liking the story, and how I said I did not like it.
My response to this child, and she is a child, on her webpage she lets us know she is a 14 year old girl from New York, was a simple one line e-mail that stated;
You liked the story, I did not.
I assumed this would be all that needed to be said, she is not the author, and there was no need to go into my reasoning with her, not when so many more important things are happening in the world, or in my life for that matter.
No, this apparently insulted her so she responded back with;
at least I give constructive critism.
Do you really want to go down to this level?
What level did I go down too? She left me ammunition and I did not use it, I took what I considered was the high road and just said I did not like the story. Oh well, my next letter to her a little longer a little less pleasant.
Maybe I went a little overboard on my response, but she irked me.
The story is here... And you can find my comment, her first letter to me and my last comment to her... Anyway, I am still not feeling good, so I am going to go to bed and do my best to forget that this little person e-mailed me.
The Mummer