Jan 26, 2008 21:12
tonight Daniela invited a few of us over for Sushi and it was soo much fun because we got to make it ourselves, i was really excited cuz ive never made sushi before and it was alot easier then i expected. but then again they're just rolls right? i just felt like it'd be more complicated... but anyways it was reeeeally good. i enjoyed it alot. and im really hyper now because i had to much chocolate. daniela made these lil brownie bite things which were definately alot more like double chocolate chip cookies and then daniela's sister gave us each a heart shaped sugar cookie cuz she was baking a bunch of stuff for her fiance because tomorrow is there one year anniversary and the frosting on it definately tasted like doughnut frosting. but she also made chocolate covered strawberries and there was alot of chocolate left over because there were no more strawberries so we finished off the rest of it by dipping apples and bananas in it and made a total mess and while we were waiting for the chocolate to harden in the fridge we ended up eating the rest of the chocolate in the bowl with forks (which was aLOT of chocolate.) so now im on a sugar overload. and after we had sushi but before we had chocolate covered bananas in between we played catch phrase which means now i've played two nights in a row and its actually kind of fun but omg daniela gets SO INTO IT. i was afraid when we had to switch partners and i ended up with her that she was going to yell at me! lol but she didnt and it was fun but she gets so loud and hyper and talks real fast it was really funny.
last niight was not quite as exciting but it was fun too. it was Elisa's bday party and most everyone couldnt make it so it was Elisa and her boyfriend and a couple they know from college, Lauren and Steven, so that was a lil awkward for me since i was the only person without a date and because they all know each other from USF, but they were all really nice and we had a good time. Elisa's mom made yummy yummy enchiladas which were zomg amazing and im totally drooling thinking about them because i can not think of anything better then ooey gooey melty cheese even though i really really enjoyed the sushi today because daniela had good soy sauce and alot of times i think its too bland but tonight was good. but those enchiladas were great too and then we played catch phrase which was my first time playing and i kind of sucked but it was okay and i got elisa the cutest present i bought her a t-shirt that says PASTA: I Love Carbs. and a big pasta cookbook to go with it. i like Brian this was my first time meeting him he was totally confusing me though because he said hay spontaneously conbusts and that in gainsville they count fish by electrocuting the water and they all float to the surface but they dont die they just get up and swin away after a couple of minutes and i think hes lying about the fish but not abotu the hay even though he didnt explain it right.
i like how i intermittently discontinue the use of proper punctuation. i jsut dont know where to end sentences when im hyper, and i really really am. xD