This quote revolves around a coworker who, for purposes of anonymity, I shall call "M."
uselessplayback: Stephanie has a huge crush on M!
mahlerchick: So do I!
thestraymutt: So do...Kelly!
It was totally unintentional, and completely awesome.
Another good Adam quote also comes from work:
Me: Her name is Leilani. It means "flower from heaven."
Rich: Did you come up with that, Adam?
Adam: I, too, am a flower from heaven.
And a supervisor, called "G," made a most snarky comment about another coworker:
Someone (I don't know who): Wait--Nat has a girlfriend?
G: Does she know?
And there you go. I leave on Sunday for a week at the beach, but my always-on-the-cutting-edge father has some fancy way to maintain internet access (without the dialing and connecting!), so I'll be internet-present. I'll probably actually get a chance to catch up on my blog-reading. If you feel like I've been ignoring you--I'm not! Well, I am, but it's nothing personal. It's more a desperate need for sleep.