I went to my astronomy lab today, after two weeks of skipping, only to discover that it was our last one. So oops, but also Yaay! In Print, I finally managed to print two editions of the zinc etching I've been working on. They don't look half bad! Possibly I will scan them, but I'm not done working the plate yet, so we'll see what the finished product looks like. I managed to keep my hands pretty clean, and I was proud of it! Then Susan (print prof) asked me to clean up a bunch of ink. Yay. My fingernails are black now.
This afternoon, I watched the last two episodes of Stargate Atlantis, season 3. I downloaded them onto my home computer (meaning not my laptop), and so couldn't watch them all last week. I watched what I could over the weekend, then compressed and burned the last two to a cd, which I put on my laptop today. So I've finished the season, but have months to wait for the conclusion to the cliffhanger. This is karma for starting with The Seige, Part III, isn't it?
uselessplayback cursed me for doing so, as she had had to wait for months for the conclusion, and this is my punishment. I did get to see Jewel Staite in her new role, which was the reason I started to watch the series anyway, so that was happy.
I figured I'd distract myself by watching the newest episode of Doctor Who, "Daleks in Manhattan," but it turned out to be a TBC, too!
For whatever reason, after 3 months, I decided to finally finish uploading my London photos. They're over in albums on my facebook account, but they are viewable if you don't have an account. The first album is photos from Dover, Canterbury, Cambridge, and London, and it can be viewed
here. The second one has more London photos, but is predominantly of my day in Cardiff, Wales, including the Doctor Who expo.
Look here!
Oh, it's after 12, which means that it is
thestraymutt's 22nd birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADAM!!!
Edit: One more thing...
In the world of internet art theft, an artist who I follow on dA was informed that someone on
threadless.com was attempting to pass off her work as their own. The original work, by
Lindsay Campbell, is on the left, and the copy is on the right.
On the one hand, it's terrible that people are doing this, but on the other hand, it's also rediculously stupid. If you read the response posts under the t-shirt design (click on the right image above), you can see how quickly the copy was discovered. Lindsay Campbell herself poked around the copyist's website and found another rip:
(the image on the left is the screenshot from the copyist's website, the image on the right the original)