I think you are personalising the process too much and making HIM your target. Governments exist off tax. They always want more. they can pretend to charge you less, or juggle shit around, but in the end they will always want more. it does NOT matter who is in power. they all need tax to be able to do shit. I think the main issue is that lending money to buy things like houses requires you to have some sort of stability in these areas which no political party can give you for 30 years or how ever long you've got your loan for. its out of their reach. they only think in individual terms.
the most amusing thing about this global economic crisis is that i havent seen it. ive seen people pissing themselves in fear everywhere in the media. ive not seen one person directly massively fucked over by it. it just seems its another whipping boy for companies to use an excuse to jack up their prices and lay people off, and that shit has been happening for decades under different auspices. economic rationalism, the various recessions all that jazz.
If its the difference between buying a house or not, perhaps you need to build in a buffer into your budgets to allow for the market's inevitable ebbs and flows, so you dont end up in strife.
I understand your first point and you may well be right, however we're encouraged by the political process to think that way. Past Rudd, Gillard and Turnbull, I couldn't fill up two hands with the other politicians, and last I knew there were well over 200 between Federal, State & Local.
Hell, I'd lay even money he didn't even write the whole thing.
The entire flow of information is tailored to do one thing - buy money and votes.
And that's exactly why it's so scary.
These people should be working to DECREASE their influence in our lives, not the other way around.
the most amusing thing about this global economic crisis is that i havent seen it. ive seen people pissing themselves in fear everywhere in the media. ive not seen one person directly massively fucked over by it. it just seems its another whipping boy for companies to use an excuse to jack up their prices and lay people off, and that shit has been happening for decades under different auspices. economic rationalism, the various recessions all that jazz.
If its the difference between buying a house or not, perhaps you need to build in a buffer into your budgets to allow for the market's inevitable ebbs and flows, so you dont end up in strife.
But hey what do i know about this shit either :)
Hell, I'd lay even money he didn't even write the whole thing.
The entire flow of information is tailored to do one thing - buy money and votes.
And that's exactly why it's so scary.
These people should be working to DECREASE their influence in our lives, not the other way around.
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