Link: On Political Theology

Apr 07, 2007 01:11

So I just found the Faith and Theology blog of Benjamin Myers. Its pretty good stuff. Definitely worth your reading. This guy Kim Fabricius posts there on various theological topics in the form of "Ten Propositions On: some topic". He makes propositions and fleshes them out, as I guess you coud infer from the form of the title.

Anyway I came across a post of his I really liked entitled "Ten Propositions On Political Theology" where he talks quite a bit about what that should look like. Proposition 1: the ascension is the basis of all political theology, 2: God is political.

But my favorite parts have to be proposition 3: "it is legitimate to speak of an “epistemological privilege” of the excluded and oppressed" and the "Post 9/11 Postscript" where he mentions a comparison of American intellectuals' response to 9/11 and German intellectuals' response to the Kaiser after the outbreak of WWI. Very interesting and telling, I think.

What, you don't want to read it? You know if you don't read this you'll probably read something that will make you dumber. You've probably been thinking about putting a little critical theological thought into those hours you spend in front of the screen. So read it. You look hungry. I shlepp, you read.
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