Here's an update

Mar 22, 2006 18:36

First, an interesting meme. What do you think of me?


So it's official. I've pretty much decided on pursuing study in theology. My parents aren't happy about it because UF offered me a very nice fellowship to study materials engineering that they really think I should take. I was really happy about being offered that, but at the end of the day I can't see myself doing that for a living and I can't see myself starting a PhD program if its not really what I want to do. I no longer want to keep doors open. I think its time to pick one and walk through it.

This is really the first time in my life that I'm making a career type choice that my parents are really against. It's not fun for me. I definitely don't have an instinct to rebel. I want their approval and it was painful not to have it. I've come to terms with it and I feel like I understand where they're coming from. In 10 years who knows what I'll think. But I have to make a choice based on what I know now, and either choice will limit my ability to do the other by a pretty steep opportunity cost.

They seem to think I'm intimidated by engineering and am choosing to study theology because on some level I think it will be easier. That's a very understandable given the difficulties I've had with academic work in the past. Also because, as a wise person pointed out to me, at this point in my life I know more experientially what it takes to do engineering/science and as such may have a rosy picture in my head based on the freedom I've had up to this point to read/write/talk about theology only when I am moved to do so.

But I have to admit, I'm pretty intimidated by both paths. I know I have the ability to do either, but I think both entail more hard work than I've had to do up to this point. And at the end of the day, I have to pick what I want to be stuck doing. This is it. Also I think I have assessed my abilities, interests, passions, callings, etc. as realistically and wisely as possible through careful thought, prayer, advice, etc. And I think this is the best decision at the end of the day.

In other news, my parents decided to give me my mom's old car (which they've been keeping for me, but they decided to pay my insurance for the rest of the year) as an early graduation present. Woo hoo!!
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