Jun 21, 2004 20:58
I was a bit tired, because I was helping my friend Roger moved into his new place!
Father’s Day did not come into realization until I received the sweetest card from my oldest "jesathaigrl"
There’s nothing else can a father asks for! Here's the message from the card.
“If there was a single person in the whole world who really deserves to celebrate Father’s Day…it’s gotta be me! ‘coz I’ve got the world’s greatest DAD!…That’s you.
Dad, wishing you a day as wonderful as you are!
Truly the Best Dad For Meeh!,
Hey Daddio! Happy Father's Day!! I hope you went golfing or did something that you really enjoy.. not only is this from meeh, but since Tisha isn't able to express her love to you.. it's from the both of us because I know that she'll want you to know that she still loves you, too. Love you Daddie.. *MwAhZ*
*More tears of joy* I am the proudest Dad in the whole world…Thank you for being such a pride of my life! Although half way around the world apart…You have always made me feel that I’ve not failed. I have done somethings right! We all are doing things right. Thank you again for being my daughter, and thank you for being you.