
Aug 13, 2009 23:31

Amrita: The equivalent of "vitae", they use it to refer to dead blood, which to the Indian Dakani is the only kind worth drinking.

Asura: The make ghouls for use as retainers, but they call them asuras instead. The word "ghoul" has a very different meaning for them.

Ghul: Pronounced like "ghoul", this world refers to a cursed, devolved sub-bloodline of the Dakini.

Maharaja: Basically, the "Prince" of a Dakini-controlled city. The feminine title is Maharani.

Pitras: Fathers (descendents). Western Kindred believe these to be the Antediluvians but, Eastern Kindred do not believe in the legend of Caine.

Raja: Basically, a "Primogen" member in a Dakini-controlled city. The feminine title is Rani.

Rakshasa: Ferocious man-eating, shapeshifting demons. The Dakini use this word as a catchall term for the Changing Breeds. The rakshasas they are most familiar with are the Cat (Khan and Bagheera Bastet) and Caiman (Mokole) varieties, though there are also Wolf rakshasas in the forests.

Raktu-Sadhus: (Undead) blood magicians

Sadhus: Those who practice Sadhana "gaining" to procure siddhas "achievements.

Siddhas: Achievements

Shambhala: An alternate name for Golconda. There is an old fortress in India called Golkonda, and many Dakini feel it is an affront to this exalted state of being to make it share a name with a mere place.

Tantras: Rituals/Instructions

Ustad: "Tutor", a title often given to those who Sire.
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