I feel like reading some sort of epic (or at least lengthy) puzzleshippy fic. But I can't find anything that's good that I haven't read yet, or anything that can keep my attention... and doesn't make me cry with shameless uses of "hikari" and such. More precisely, I want to read the rest of
"The Time Thief", because it hits all my narrative kinks and it has a cool plot. Also, Yuugi is badass. I love it when Yuugi is badass. And Atem is hot.
But the author's still working on it, so no more chapters until she writes them. And I can't even complain, because I am the queen of slow writing and I refuse to be a hypocrite. T_T
But my heart! It aches for more!
And darn it! This fandom is *old* and the pairing earth-shatteringly popular. There must be TONS of good fic out there. Now... why can't I find the epic goodfic?!
Might have to settle for reading a "real" book instead. What is this travesty?! Reading! Books! HA! Says the Honours English major.
Obviously what I need is more gay fantasy novels. Actually, what I really want is an epic fantasy novel with lesbian main characters, because I have NEVER seen one of these before. And my heart cries in sorrow, weeping that my life is incomplete until I have read a lesbian knights/thieves fantasy epic...
Oh wait. (Thanks Nanoha fandom!)
But I mean real books.
Siigh. One day.
In other news, I... I got the nicest, sweetest, most flattering review on a fic today. I... Guys. I. I don't know what to say. Is this what real authors feel like when someone gushes intelligently on their fics? Because I don't consider myself a writer... I just muddle along until it's not horrible, and if I get stuck, that's the end of it since I have no preserverence. But being told that they aspire to write like you, and that your writing changes the way they view a character, and impacts them... Being told that BY A PERSON WHO YOU FEEL THESE THINGS FOR. ................
*is deer in headlights*
I'm... I'm gonna... I don't even know.
I'm gonna go work on not letting this 1) get to my ego 2) freak me out due to extra perceived living-up-to-expectations pressure. a ha ha ha ha
But still... it's... it's nice to hear that the thing... the story living in your head, that it moved somebody else just the way it moved you when you were writing it. And that they thought it was cool. I still don't know if I can ever do justice to the movies in my head, but... I try. And it's nice to hear that at least some of it is coming through.
And just so that I can end this post on a hilariously awkward topic: "WHY DOES NOBODY EVER SELL BIKINI TOPS WITH UNDERWIRES?!" It's like they WANT me to fall out and flash the unsuspecting world. Or, you know, never go swimming in anything but an unflattering bathing suit from high school... Screw you, whoever does the swimwear ordering. And mine aren't even that big. I feel sorry for all you D-cups and up out there.