This is mostly going to be a journal about me rambling about Yugioh and other geeky things, with bits of fanart and fanfiction thrown in as they materialize. Some really nice people on the internet have been reccing things in their journals, and it's made finding good fanwork so much easier. So I think I will contribute to this trend too.
Let's start things off with a bit of fanart.
mildly NSFW. Atem x Yusei
A wee bit scribbly, but if you can't tell what's going on, Atem's got a card pinned to Yusei's chest. Presumably it's Stardust Dragon. All Lady Gaga "Pokerface" references coincidental.
You know, I always thought the best part of the 2010 Yugioh 3D movie was the fact that Atem x Yusei could feasibly have happened now. I mean, sure, you could stretch your immagination and write it somehow in fanfiction. But now the fact that Yusei and Yugi/Atem were in the same space, breathing the same air, and playing card games like bosses is undeniably cannon.
I still have this idea somewhere that, if he survived Zero Reverse, Yugi Motou is probably a middle-aged man living in Satellite somewhere. I mean, if Ushio is cannonically the same Ushio from Yugi's school, then it's only logical. Kinda makes you wonder what happened to them all. Satellite IS Domino City after all, according to sources. So the gameshop probably got totalled. Where the heck is Kaiba anyway? (Did Jack Atlas eat him to absorb his ego?) It's only 2021 in 5D's. Where are they now?
Edit: btw. What year is it in Zexal?