I'm starting to feel more comfortable posting things as public, and viewable to all. So I'll just ramble on about school since it's probably the least interesting thing going on for me right now.
So, I joined
uppityundergrad and I debated pasting this there, but decided against it.
I'm painfully underwhelmed by the books for my Children's Literature class in the fall. I've already read a lot of them, (which is good) but there are a lot of newer children's books that I haven't read. Ones I've read are in bold.
We're reading:
Island of the Blue Dolphins
The Wizard of Oz
Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry
Peter Pan
The Secret Garden
Bridge to Terrabithia
Bad Beginning
A Wrinkle in Time
Raggedy Dick, or Street Life in New York
Number the Stars
True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
Though I might have read Bad Beginning part way, because I know I read most of one of the Series of Unfortunate Events. What's awesome is that I just finished rereading A Wrinkle in Time because it's one of my favorites. I must admit, most of the materials on here surprised me, as they are 5-7th grade and I was expecting more little children's literature. But still, I don't have to buy any books for this class, I can check them all out from the library. Which, considering how much I spent this past semester makes me happy.